Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thompson Trips Over His Own Tongue

Fred Thompson tripped over his own words within just a few days of announcing (finally) his official bid for the Presidency. During an interview on Hannity and Colmes he seemed to contradict himself over the use of one-on -one debates. First asserting that they were appropriate for the General Election then later he seemed to challenge the current GOP runners to whatever style of debate they wanted, one on one or in groups. (see the full transcript here):

I was less concerned with Mr. Thompson's apparent flip flopping as I was with his ability or should I say lack of ability to make a decipherable point. When he talks, it's as if he has a mouth full of mush. Does he think he is going to have negotiations with President Putin during a very sensitive time in our nations' relationships and talk like a blundering idiot? I can just see the interpreter frozen with a deer in the headlights look. Not because he doesn't know how to translate what Mr. Thompson says into Russian, but not knowing how to interpret what Mr. Thompson says into English! I don't mean to be rude, but this is really, really, important!! Many have espoused Fred Thompson's southern charm. I'm sorry. I'm not from the south but you can surely produce better than that!

This GOP campaign year has been exciting to watch. With Fred in the mix it is going to stir things up and make it even more exciting. But keep your eye on Mike Huckabee who has demonstrated that he is extremely articulate. He doesn't talk like he has a mouth full of mush. But instead speaks eloquently with intelligence, often seasoned with a little humor, while providing real policy ideas that will bring America back into balance. Mike Huckabee has also demonstrated that he not only has ideas, but can get things done even when it requires going across the aisle.

Come on Fred, you've had nine months to practice your speeches. Surely you can do better than that!


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