Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Grass "ROOTS" Means We Have To Dig A Little Deeper

Have you like me, found it to be a challenge to scrape up enough money to donate to Mike Huckabee's Presidential Campaign? I have some ideas about how we can increase our giving to the campaign without breaking the food budget.

First of all, if you have the means to contribute and haven't yet, now is the time to make that donation. Every person can donate up to $2,300.00. That's $4,600 for a married couple. Just go to http://www.mikehuckabee.com/ and make your donation. It can be done with less than 3 minutes of your time.

Second, even if you can only give $10.00 a week, that is going to help because Mike has proven that he can make that $10.00 do wonders with his excellent fiscal management abilities. And I mean excellent. Your money will not be wasted!! If you are a youth, you can also get in the action.

Third, consider some of these ideas for raising money. Some of which can double as advertising for the campaign.

Have a garage sale

Borrow from your retirement account and pay yourself back ( instead of a bank) w/ interest.

Have a Bake Sale

Kids Have a Car Wash or Babysit

Sell items on EBay ( you know those collectables that are just sitting around gathering dust)

For example, I am selling a quilt on EBay and will donate all proceeds to the campaign. See quilt below.

Folks, we are approaching a crossroads in this campaign. Governor Huckabee and his team have worked miracles with the donations they have received to this date. But we need to get Mike on TV and that takes a lot of money!! Unfortunately, Mr. Huckabee doesn't have an Oprah Winfrey on his side yet, so it is up to us.

There are lots and lots of people talking about Mike Huckabee, but are they digging deep, I mean really deep to help him get into the white house?

It doesn't have to hurt. Pick one or more of the ideas above, or come up with your own! Have fun with it. Do it with some of your Huckabee friends.

Let's continue to get the word out by making our dollars work for us. We know Mike will work wonders with every dollar he gets -for us and for America. He's already demonstrated that.



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