Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thompson Fizzles in His First Week

Many of us have looked for opportunities to support Gov Huckabee in ways in addition to financial giving. Please read this article in the Associated Press titled: Evangelicals hesitant about Thompson By ERIC GORSKI AP Religion Writer.

The article lays out that many evengelical leaders are less than excited about Fred Thompson now that he has officially entered the race.

We now have another way to help Mr. Huckabee with his campaign. We can contact influential evangelical leaders and express our desire that Mike Huckabee be named as their choice for the Republican nomination. One such group, the Arlington Group is mentioned in the article. As stated in the article, organizations cannot endorse presidential candidates, but individuals can. Other names to contact include: James Dobson, (who has already stated that he will not vote for Rudy), Jack Hayford and many many others. For a partial list of Christian leaders check out : at

I believe this AP article clearly represents the sentiments of not only evangelical leaders, but the general public as well. Please don't let the Republican Party become like lemmings, following after someone with no intelligent thought going into the decision. Take this opportunity to make your voice heard. Mike Huckabee is not going to win the nomination unless WE get the word out about him.

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