Thursday, October 11, 2007

What's In A Name?

I have been floored by recent revelations in the news that it is believed people will not vote for Mike Huckabee because his last name makes him seem like a "hick". What in the world has this country come to?

There is an underlying message in all of this, I believe. And here it is: People who do not live in a geographically large population are less intelligent than those who do. You can even see it on t.v.

Take Survivor for example. There is a young woman on the show who has made it clear that she feels superior to the other contestants who are not from the Big City. Her biggest complaint? They are so disgustingly polite! How arrogant is that?

This is crazy!!

What kind of name is Giuliani anyway? From my part of the country ( yes, I'm one of those you should take pity on as I live in Central Illinois in the country no less!!) Maybe that is a name easily recognized in New York, but I checked my local telephone directory, there are no Giulianis (there was one Giuliano however).

Are Americans in general so lacking in intelligence that they would vote for a candidate based on a name?? Now name recognition is a different story. There is tons of research to support that notion. But it is a sad day no matter what the size of the population, when we believe someone would be so lacking in intelligence they would vote based on the sound of someone's name.

The truth is, Mike Huckabee relates to the middle class of this country. And although the middle class does not make a lot of noise, it is a very powerful voting block. It is the voting block that recognizes this country's economy is slipping and needs intelligent leadership with fresh ideas for how to get things back on track. It is the voting block that recognizes the value of human life. It is the voting block that believes a return to good manners would be a good thing for this country.

So, you can call me a hick or country bumpkin or whatever name you want. I will be voting for Mike Huckabee. ( one of those disgustingly polite people, who I believe is the most intelligent candidate). Please tell me you will take the time to explore the positions of all of the candidates before making your choice at the polls.

By the way, I earned a Master's Degree at the University of Illinois and still choose to live in a small community. Go figure.


1 comment:

Michigan Redneck said...

Great post, and great blog. That is such a pretty quilt you have pictured.
If you are interested in being a contributor to Hobbies for Huckabee, to show off Mike Huckabee related items or any other crafts let me know.


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