Monday, October 22, 2007

What Are Your Children Inheriting?

In these days of volital stock markets, it makes me stop and think. What will I be leaving my children and grandchildren?

My husband and I have worked faithfully to save for our retirement. We have a nice little nest egg that will make our retirement years comfortable for us. Most likely when we leave this earth our children will inherit a nice chunk of change.

Here are the questions. Would it be better to invest a small amount of that money in the campaign of Mike Huckabee to guarantee that our kids will inherit not only money, but a country that is in better shape than it is today? Will we leave behind a country that is secure and prosperous? Or will it be a country that is crippled by socialized medicine and taxed to the breaking point?

Maybe you are already well into your retirement years. What will your children inherit from you? What do you want them to inherit?

Let's take a long hard look at the legacy we will leave behind for our kids. Let's take a long hard look at what we believe in and decide today to stop thinking so much about our own comfort but to consider making a sacrifice so our children and grand children will have the best possible future.

1 comment:

chelrel19 said...

WOW - Great point! I am so frustrated that people can't get past the whole - he doesn't have a chance with so little money / that name, etc. What can't they see about Mike being the only REAL choice! Keep on spreading the good word about Mike! ...and I am off to take a look at that Beautiful quilt - very talented!

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