Thursday, December 6, 2007


Just how does one become a Mike Huckabee supporter? Well it goes something like this. You are sitting in your living room folding clothes or reading a book with 1/2 an ear on the tv. Suddenly you hear a man speak that catches your attention. "Who is that guy?", you might think. Then he says something so profound that you literally stop what you are doing and move to the edge of your seat. Sound familiar? Then you involuntarily cock your head to the side so as not to miss one word of what this man is saying. When he is done talking you say out loud to yourself and anyone else who is in the room, "That man needs to be President".

With that one moment in time you are hooked on making sure this incredible man of great wisdom, humility and integrity becomes President of the United States of America. It doesn't matter that you have never donated to a presidential campaign before. It doesn't matter that you are really kind of shy and would never have voiced your opinion of a political candidate to your friends, or heaven forbid - a total stranger. It doesn't matter that you have never written a letter to someone whom you hope will endorse someone for office. But you find yourself doing all these things and much, much more.

Never, in the last century have we had an opportunity to elect someone to the highest office in our land who would lift us up to be something better than we are. We want to be like Mike - literally. We stop and think about how we treat people and how we talk about people. What would Mike do in this situation? I was raised on TV that encouraged the best behavior and the characters were in reality "to good to be true". Well folks, we have found a Presidential Candidate in Mike Huckabee who is "to good" to be deserving of the decline this Nation has experienced. When President Clinton was President, I made the comment, "God has given us what we deserve". It is my prayer now that God will not give us what we deserve, but instead show His great mercy on us by allowing us to have Mike Huckabee who will lead us back to a Country we can be proud to be a part of.


1 comment:

bee'nme said...

That is exactly how it happened with me - my husband and I were channel-surfing and hit upon an obscure interview show and this man's words just cut straight through me and I said "who is this guy..?" That was just a couple of weeks ago and we continue to LOVE what we hear him say - and it appears that as sleepy conservative Americans wake up to this 2008 race (that I was SO not interested in because of the other Rep. candidates)they are, like us, hearing the sincerity, the down to earth likeability, the hard-core convictions, and the refreshing message of hope - and they are waking up and saying, I like this Mike guy... So, I found your site listed on Huckabee's website, and being a creative person I was drawn to the title of your blog. Thanks for sharing - I'm contemplating what I will do on my blog for Mike...

Take care and God bless - I have boomarked it here and will check back.


Becky S. at Just Bee 'n Me (

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My Choice For President - I Like Mike!
